One Heart One Love
Honoring Women on Ladies Day, November 19, 2019
Ladies Day, celebrated on November 19th, delves into the noble qualities of women. Our spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba, who has formally dedicated this day, emphasizes the ideals and greatness of womanhood. He describes women as being the repositories of truth and culture. Additionally, Sai Baba elaborates on the significant roles women play in shaping individual and national character. He underscores their great potential to restore value-based living, peace and harmony in the world through leadership roles. Women have the capacity and fortitude to lead in all aspects of society, from the individual and family to community, country and beyond. The whole world can become sacred through the transformative power of women.
Inspired by Sai Baba’s actions, such as providing free education from primary school through university levels, state-of-the-art medical care facilities that offer advanced treatments to underserved populations, and clean drinking water to drought-stricken areas, many women are actively involved and engaged in community service. For example, with human values educational training, several women provide character and personality development programs to school-age and disadvantaged children. This valuable service encourages each child to blossom into their fuller potential, while finding meaning, purpose and fulfillment through the process.
Personally, I have been fortunate to take part in the human values education program along with several other service projects. It has been a privilege to serve alongside many outstanding and inspiring women, observing their dedicated and tireless work for the community. Despite their demanding professional careers and household duties, they have selflessly contributed their time, energies, skills and resources for the welfare of others. A few examples of their ongoing and service-oriented commitment are: aiding special needs children, delivering meals for VNA wheels on meals, volunteering at battered women’s shelters, spending time with seniors in nursing homes, providing tutoring for children, comforting at-risk youth, visiting with the visually impaired, coordinating holiday angel tree projects, supporting international orphanages, conducting mindfulness meditation seminars and breast cancer awareness workshops, organizing mental health programs, offering healing and solace and many more activities.
I am truly blessed to know all these incredible women and am grateful for their inspiring and authentic presence. They are undoubtedly our everyday heroes and the pillars that courageously support our communities.
In the hope that you too, as a reader, will be inspired, I am excited to share more information regarding the background and community work of several of these great women. Also, please keep in mind that this is only a small subset of the numerous women that have been a great source of inspiration for me over the past several years (and decades!). As I could only reach out to a few in my limited time, please know that I am forever thankful to every single one of you and to those who could not participate today.
Personal quote: “We are born to realize the Divine within each of us. Despite the differences, we are One. We are spirit in essence.”
– Sarojini Kanagala
Namaste and a big shout out to all the marvelous women on this Ladies Day! Please scroll down, read along and be inspired by some of the remarkable women I have been privileged to know. Enjoy!
Diana Soria lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her husband. She is a member of the Theosophical Society, headquartered in Chennai, India and former President of the Milwaukee Branch. She has studied many healing techniques, including, Acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki. She is the founder of Golden Wings International which met for 25 years in Arizona. She is a community volunteer and does energy healing services free to those in need. She has meditated for 47 years and has direct remembrances from over 30 lifetimes. She understands, if we let love flow through our vehicle, the love finds the work to be done. Great transformations take place. The last ten years she has been sharing Tibetan Buddhism, sacred drawings, and channeled Angel Songs for Self-Realization. For about four years, Diana has been praying for people. Shirdi Baba’s Divine Love has given Diana a new life. His compassion and love enter each heart. It revivifies and directs us as sparks of the Gayatri Light, to become.
Personal Quote: “Love for all. I love all. Thank you, God for loving us.”
– Diana Soria
This is a channeled song given to her by the angels.
Love for all. (God, the light, the creative source of the Universe sends love to us.)
I love all. (This love pours into our body starting at our head. It energizes every cell of our body, as it passes down through our body and out. Each cell receives love and is transformed to light and love. We are this love, and radiate love, wherever we go.)
Thank you, God, for loving us. (Upon receiving this love, we turn to God in devotion and love and say, “Thank you God for loving us!” This completes the circle between God and humans.)
By just saying those three sentences, we are always with God, our source. We are devotion and love. We are safe. When we are safe, we can relax, be, and heal.
Dr. Swati Aleti Johnson lives in Plano, TX with her husband and her three girls. She was raised in a spiritual atmosphere with the values of compassion and service. She is a practicing Neonatologist currently in Dallas, Texas but has also worked in other cities in Texas as well as in New Jersey, Georgia, and Illinois. She is a community leader and a shining example to youth. She participates in many medical awareness community programs. She is a Dallas Sai Center Service volunteer.
Favorite Quote: “Never let your fear be greater than your faith.”
– Sathya Sai Baba
Chitra Niranjan resides in Richardson, TX with her husband, 2 daughters and her dog Chance Niranjan, their adorable spoilt son who rules the roost! She is a project manager by profession, but her passion is to teach spiritual education to children at the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Dallas. Cooking is therapeutic for her, and she loves to experiment with food. She also loves any kind of devotional music! She organizes group events and discussions that focus on individual spiritual growth for all, especially women. She also practices the Phyllis Krystal meditation method and runs a small meditation group at home. She is an ardent devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and strives to follow HIS teachings. She is a great role model and silently helps many people. For many years she and her husband along with other volunteers led the service to the homeless in downtown Dallas by cooking and serving food to them every evening!
Personal quote: “Experience all types of food and personalities – Salty, Sweet, Pungent, Bitter, Sour, and Astringent. They bring balance to the Body, Mind, and Soul!”
– Chitra Niranjan
Dr. Vijaya Nama lives in Plano, TX with her husband. She is mother of two girls. She is a primary care physician with her practice in Mesquite, TX. She comes from a family of service oriented medical doctors and is herself an outstanding medical professional with a humane outlook that reflects in her interactions with patients. She takes part in free medical camps for the needy. She believes in Work is worship and that there is no goal in life if we don’t live a life that is of use to others.
Personal Quote: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others!”
– Vijaya Nama
Jan DiSanti lives in Parker, Colorado. She is a wholehearted educator of transformative equity leadership, in love with life, and dedicated to serving with passion, presence, and purpose as a force for good. Jan was directed by Sathya Sai Baba in 2010 to get trained in SSEHV (Sathya Sai Education in Human Values), blessed as CEO for PADO Educare, ISSE USA Faculty, Vice President of SE Denver Sai Center, and newly selected Zone 1 Region 9 Devotional Coordinator, of the Sathya Sai International Organization – USA.
Personal Quote: “I lit the lamps of my love in my heart for you Beloved, and my love became the light for all- no other way, no other love, no other thirst, will satisfy this Truth of Prema Swaroopulara (Embodiment of Divine Love).”
– Jan DiSanti
Dr. Sailaja Kamaraju lives with her husband and two daughters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is an Oncologist and Associate Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. She is Medical Director at Moorland Reserve Health Center and the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center Breast Center. She is actively involved with the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology and the American Society for Clinical Oncology. She has been serves the community with various outreach projects focusing on racial, cultural and financial disparities in relation to cancer and its outcomes. She has initiated a culturally tailored community-academic partnership model serving the women at the faith-based community centers collaborates with 12-15 under-served areas in the city of Milwaukee, WI. This program assists and promotes screening mammography via mobile unit and reaches out to women from the minority communities including refugees, immigrants, African American and Latinos. Her current work includes caring for the breast cancer patients, conducting clinical trials, and cancer related outcomes.
Personal Quote: “For me working with my patients is equivalent to connecting with God in meditation.”
– Sailaja Kamaraju
Pushita Indigo Loffreda lives in Dallas, TX with her husband and daughter. She is a Crystal Therapist, Akashic Records Practitioner, Consultant, Empath Intuitive, Energy Medicine. She is the CEO at the Mystic Crystal. She worked at the Colorado office of Emergency Management. She is passionate about healing and has devoted her time to bringing about awareness of the oneness of all beings. She also serves as a dedicated volunteer on the Disaster Relief Team of the Sathya Sai Organization. Along with others she worked tirelessly to help establish the young adult program of the Sathya Sai Organization in the USA during its formative years. She shares her love and wisdom with the young adults and anyone in need.
Personal Quote: “Look within to find all you seek.”
– Pushita Indigo Loffreda
Pam Jindal is the founder and Executive Director of Preston Park Montessori (established in 2001) and Preston Creek Montessori (established in 2009). She has been in the childcare business for over 25 years. Her sincere love for children and a fervent desire to provide them with the best possible environment to learn and grow has been the driving force behind opening these schools. Pam is a daily and active presence at the schools overseeing the operations. Pam is a loving Mother of two sons; one a graduate from MIT and the other from Berkley. She has been a role model and a coach to all the teaching staff at her Academies and encourages open communications between parents, staff and students. She devotes her time working at both Academy locations and taking care of her 2 beautiful grandchildren who both attend Preston Creek Montessori.
Personal Quote: “Service to Children is Service to God.”
– Pam Jindal
Sushi Mistry lives in Plano, Tx with her husband and pet dog. She is mother of two children She works in a payment processing company as a Risk Management Specialist. and her passion is to serve community with lots of love and live in love. She participates in many service projects such as free medical camps even in far flung locations, serving the homeless in downtown Dallas, serving the blind by giving them rides and helping them put their residences in order as well as spending quality time with the elderly and visiting homes for the aged.
Personal Quote: “Pathway to God is serving community with lots of love and compassion.”
– Sushi Mistry
Malini Ratnam lives in Plano with her husband and their son. She is a marketing consultant, a health food blogger and a Reiki practitioner. She was a Corporate marketing executive for several years before she decided to start her own company, MantraM Digital, helping small to mid sized businesses find their marketing niche. She is also a digital marketing and social media coach. She is an avid health food and nutrition enthusiast and loves to experiment with food. She writes for TheMindfulVeggie, a health food and lifestyle blog. She loves music and is an active volunteer at the Sathya Sai Center of Dallas teaching devotional singing to children. Her spirituality is evident in the way she lives her life. Malini is a shining example of loving kindness.
Personal Quote: “Self-care is the biggest gift you can give yourself. Wake up and go to work on yourself before you go to work for someone else.”
– Malini Ratnam
Elaine Hausman lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband. She is married 37 years with 2 grown children. By profession she is a bookkeeper. She volunteers as an arts education administrator for Moving Arts Espanola, whose Director has been nominated as one of CNN’s Top 10 Heroes for 2019, for their loving service to children and the community in an area
fraught with poverty and drug addiction. Sai Baba looked intensely at Elaine at Darshan in 1980, thereby curing her of drug addiction, and inspiring her to dedicate her life to serving Him in
His Organization, as Center office bearer since 1981, and currently the newly selected Zone 1 Region 9 President of the Sathya Sai International Organization – USA.
Personal Quote: “I believe that the most effective way we can understand our own innate Divinity is in not criticizing others in thought, word, or deed, recognizing that others are also manifestations of God. ”
– Elaine Hausman
Avli Dalal lives in Flower Mound, TX with her husband. She has a grown son. She is multi-faceted person. Some know her as a Painter par excellence, some as an Art teacher and many have experienced her compassion as a healer. She graduated from the Sri Sathya Sai College for Women, Jaipur, India. Her life and demeanor reflect the noble qualities one has come to associate with students passing through the portals of the Sri Sathya Sai educational institutions. She strives to spread love and healing through her Art. She is an active volunteer at the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Dallas and her art reflects every time she decorates the altar. Her aim is to practice “Love all Serve all” in her personal and professional life.
Personal Quote: “Tu mujh mei hai, mein Tujh mei hoon.” (Swami, You’re in me, I’m in you.)
– Avli Dalal
Suja Josiam lives in Plano, TX with her husband. She is mother of two daughters. She is an Environmental Engineer by profession and currently works in the environmental field in Dallas as a Project Manager, overseeing cleanup of contaminated sites for the past 17 years. Suja is a member of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Dallas (also known as Dallas Sai center (DSC)). Suja’s involvement with the DSC began in 2006 when she started as an assistant Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) Group 2 teacher. Since then, she has taught in different SSE classes. She has participated in and has coordinated different service projects in the Dallas area and in Sai Region 10 of the Sathya Sai International Organization – USA. She has served in several roles in the Sai Organization. Suja derives her inspiration from Swami’s love and inner guidance and looks forward to serving Swami in any capacity.
Personal quote: “Anchor to your inner self, everything else will naturally flow.”
– Suja Josiam
Sally Schaffer lives in Dallas, TX with her husband Jack. She has been a Sai Devotee since 1994. Sai Baba touched her soul and entered her life while at a spiritual retreat with Jack. From that moment on Sathya Sai has guided her heart, mind, and path, and given her all that one could ask for in this life. Now retired, her work was in career development. She has spent her life helping people discover who they are and their proper vocation, and what they wish to accomplish. She practices healing and teaches yoga. She firmly believes that we need time to self-reflect, remember and reach our own infinite nature.
Personal Quote: “Life and Light are gifts from our Beloved Swami. The Light illuminates our Life spiritually and guides us on our worldly path.”
– Sally Schaffer
Lakshmi Telidevara lives in McKinney, TX with her husband. She is the mother of two grown-up daughters but considers herself a toddler on the spiritual path! She has a background in Science, Math, and Computers and believes that learning is an all-life process and doesn’t hesitate to refine her knowledge and skills. She is an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. She radiates love and kindness. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She goes out of her way to serve and bring peace in all situations. She is a philanthropist and serves the community in various ways silently.
Personal quote: “The worst situation in my life turned out to be the best moment (in my life) when Sathya Sai Baba took me into His fold!”
– Lakshmi Telidevara
Dr. Yesheswini Kamaraju lives in Benguluru with her husband and daughter. She obtained an M.D in Adult Psychiatry from Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, U.S.A and a Fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry from Stanford University, California, U.S.A. She has received several awards including the ‘Clinical Excellence Award for Outstanding clinician’ in 2004, from Stanford University, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She has been practicing in Benguluru for many years, primarily catering to children, adolescents and women. Currently she is the founder/Director of The Reach Clinic in Benguluru, India, which was conceived with a vision of integrating physical, social, emotional and psychological wellness. She serves as a consultant and as a teaching faculty to Spastics Society of Karnataka and Fame India. She is actively involved in community awareness programs, teacher / parent training programs and school consultations.
Personal Quote: “To become the best version of yourself, be you and follow your path to the best of your ability.”
– Yesheswini Kamaraju
Anitha Tellakula lives in Plano, TX with her husband and two children. Anitha is an IT security and Science Professional. She is a devout spiritual seeker with a very compassionate heart. She serves the community tirelessly in various capacities – whether it is in her neighborhood with family and friends or for the underprivileged. She loves to cook and feed people! She approaches every aspect of life as a student willing to learn from every opportunity presented. Her charming smile will make anyone’s day. Her actions speak louder than her words.
Personal Quote: “There is always, always, always something to be thankful for. An Attitude of Gratitude changes everything.”
– Anitha Tellakula
Jayashree Patel lives in Plano, TX with her husband and two children as part of an extended family. Indeed, a rarity in these days of nuclear families. Jayashree works with Chase Bank in the DFW area. She has been teaching young children passionately about human values based spiritual education for over two decades. She served as the SSE coordinator of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Dallas. She is a committed volunteer at the Salvation Army, VNA Meals on Wheels, Holiday Angel Tree service to fulfil the dreams of underprivileged children. She is a trusted friend and mentor to many youth and adults alike. She is ever willing to support families with their banking needs and freely helps them with financial advice.
Favorite Quote: Life is a song , sing it. Life is a game , play it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a sacrifice, offer it. Life is love, enjoy it.
– Sathya Sai Baba
Madhavi Deverakonda lives with her husband and two grown sons in Hyderabad, India. She is the Founder and Main Trainer of the Speak Easy Institute for Better English, Hyderabad. Her work also covers personality training for employees of Corporations. She is an Artist and her sons are sought after film actors in the Indian Film Industry. Madhavi is a devout spiritual seeker and community volunteer who works with Orphanages. She is the very embodiment of simplicity even when beset by the celebrity status that accompanies her family. Very down to earth, unassuming and giving in nature she is humility personified.
Personal Quote: “Just be you. Be an abundant you. Be a funny you. Be positive.”
– Madhavi Deverakonda
Shalina Budhrani lives in Carrolton, TX with her husband Jackie. She is currently a Homemaker, Grandmother, Community volunteer. She is a co-founder of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Dallas and served as its President. She has been a Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) teacher for over twenty-five years. She simply loves children! She and Jackie are active volunteers at the Austin Street Shelter in downtown Dallas. Her valuable guidance and advice are really appreciated by one and all. Her calm and composed demeanor help to bring calmness to all around.
Personal Quote: “Make God your constant companion!”
– Shalina Budhrani
Jaishree Solanki was born and raised in Zimbabwe. After many years in Africa she relocated to Vancouver, Canada where she attended college and met her future husband Mukesh. Through Mukesh she learned about Sathya Sai Baba and started to become more active in the Sai Organization. Her turning point in believing in Sathya Sai Baba happened after hosting Akhanda Bhajans at their home in the 90s. Currently she serves as the Service coordinator at the Dallas Sai Center. She is a mom of two and works for Transamerica. She is very sincere and dedicated in all that she does. She demonstrates love in action. She leads by example and is truly an inspiration to many women.
Favorite quote: “Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.”
– Sathya Sai Baba
Chitra Murthy lives in California with her husband and 2 children. She worked in technology companies as a project manager for 20 years. She actively participates in community service projects. She facilitates interfaith groups as well as a daily online spiritual study group that consists of about 240 people. Along with being a spiritual practitioner, she is a dedicated philanthropist. Her warmth and genuine care for people is reflected through all her interactions. She is a sincere and ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Personal Quote: “Now…I know NO-Thing…I am in a quest of KNOW-ing.”
– Chitra Murthy
22 Responses to A dedication to all women on Ladies Day – November 19, 2019