Study the lives of our great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and sacrifice. I desire that you should take the reins of leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives. – Sri Sathya Sai Baba Our spiritual teacher Sri Sathya Sai Baba has formally dedicated 19 November as Ladies Day in honor of women to emphasize the ideals and greatness of womanhood. He describes women as being the repositories of truth and…..
“Every simple act of kindness – a genuine smile, a gentle greeting, a meaningful interaction that we experience throughout the day is really the divine in disguise reaching out to us.” – Sarojini Kanagala Practice of Gratitude: Gratitude comes from understanding that life is larger than our little worlds. It appears that we live in a self-made bubble that is filled only with our little selves. This tiny airtight balloon has no room for anyone or anything. When this…..
One Heart One Love Honoring Women on Ladies Day, November 19, 2019 Ladies Day, celebrated on November 19th, delves into the noble qualities of women. Our spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba, who has formally dedicated this day, emphasizes the ideals and greatness of womanhood. He describes women as being the repositories of truth and culture. Additionally, Sai Baba elaborates on the significant roles women play in shaping individual and national character. He underscores their great potential to restore value-based…..
During a recent mindful meditation session at the Dallas Meditation Center the facilitator asked us to be centered and to send the love energy to all. As I tried to do this I realized that we need to work hard to be centered. As I am writing this note, I also remember to practice the same. We all tend to get off track from time to time as something triggers our emotions out of the blue. So we need to…..
Acceptance I can accept things quite well when they go my way or even if they show signs that they are likely to go my way. I have found that I’m not alone in this attitude. But the tricky part has been to accept results and situations that are nowhere near what I would have liked. How do I accept it when people don’t play by the agreed rules? How do I accept it when … any number of unplanned events…..
During our recent trip to El Paso, when we heard the pastor sharing some thoughts about the Pope’s visit and blessings he shared a great way to enquire each other’s wellbeing. He said instead of asking folks how they are doing or how is life and so on and so forth, it would be better to ask “Comastas tu Corazon?” meaning “How is your heart?” It resonated well with me. It is our heart that generates these true feelings of oneness. It is…..
Extract from section -“The Journey Begins” (Chapter 4: Everyone is a Guru): I have found nature to be the best teacher, and the universe the best university. Similarly, human beings are the very reflections of the Divine. The realized ones I have met or studied about have become Gurus for those meant to learn from them. From my experience, we do not meet people without a purpose. Everyone we meet and everything we encounter imparts some knowledge. A couple of…..
The Stories and Lessons This is a book of life’s lessons learned against the backdrop of our migration to the United States. As we tried to settle down in our new land, life threw many curveballs at us. We were fortunate to receive much help from different sources. This helped us adapt to life. However, during the difficult moments that we encountered, our thoughts were not so calm and composed. There was a feeling of unease and often outright restlessness,…..
On Easter Sunday in 2013, while watching a TV program on the life of Jesus, we heard St. Paul share his words on Faith, Hope, and Love. You see these words at the beginning of this book. The thought of sharing our life journey took birth at that moment. It made us to reflect on our lives and the immense Grace that we have received and continue to receive. Sarojini wrote her chapters while tuned into a stream of consciousness,…..