I have found nature to be the best teacher, and the universe the best university. Similarly, human beings are the very reflections of the Divine. The realized ones I have met or studied about have become Gurus for those meant to learn from them. From my experience, we do not meet people without a purpose. Everyone we meet and everything we encounter imparts some knowledge.
A couple of years ago, my husband and I were asked to speak at a spiritual retreat. Two days prior to our travel, as usual I went for an evening walk. As always, I prayed for guidance so as to prepare and share my experiences with the people at the retreat. While contemplating on which subject to choose, I saw a long, straight twig with a vine that entwined it tightly. The twig and the vine were so closely connected that they looked as if they were embracing each other dearly. If anyone tried to separate the two, they would break into pieces and nothing positive would be achieved. The two elements just looked inseparable. I picked up the piece and brought it home.
I considered the piece of wood to stand for God or the universe, and the vine to stand for the individual or human being. Just like the vine, if human beings embrace the supreme divinity or the universe and get interconnected, they will always receive unique gifts. For example, if the vine encircled a sandalwood tree or a huge rose bush, naturally it would absorb its fragrance without much effort. On its own, the vine might be incapable of exuding this quality, but by being in the constant company of the tree, it shares the wonderful fragrance. In this analogy, the sandalwood that exudes fragrance is compared to the all-giving divine love or energy. It offers support and provides comfort. As long as our lives are centered like a vine on divine love, we radiate the fragrance of its goodness and sweetness wherever we are. I can never forget the particular evening when I picked that twig. It taught me a profound truth and I thanked Mother Nature for guiding me.
I recorded the message and the inner meaning I drew from the incident in the following prayer:
“O Lord!
If you are a mountain may I be a gentle stream flowing down your side?
If you are the sky may I be a star twinkling in your vastness?
If you are a tree may I be a vine that twines around and clings to you?
In this way dear lord, may we always be inextricably one with you.”
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